This site is dedicated to the memory of Earl.

For his sons, daughters and grandchildren, Dad was the guiding force in our lives. He set the path for us by showing the importance of being a good parent, instilling a hard working ethic and setting high standards – he was always there to help and support you and guide and put you back on the right track, even when you didn't want to hear it. Many Saturday and Sunday mornings were spent as young children learning timetables and reading. We also attended local youth groups and Sunday school – it’s not something you realise at the time but he was giving us the best start in life that he could. He had a great belief in sticking with something and giving it your best and this is a yardstick we still apply to our lives even now – and he always had an uncanny way of knowing when you were unhappy. Whilst the last few years since dad became ill have been challenging, they've also been filled with some blessed days. Dad's humour has carried us through some dark days and we've had the chance to slow down, smell the roses and talk about his early days growing up in Jamaica, going to school and family life back in the day. Dad loved his family first and foremost and he said more than once that he may have not been the richest man alive, but he was when it came to family. He was extremely proud of his grandchildren in particular and loved to see them regularly, they loved that they could be boisterous with Grandad and he wouldn’t care if he looked silly. His smile could light a room up when he got hugs from them and he had the natural ability to turn a small grumpy face into a laugh. Its been wonderful seeing him interact so playfully with the grandchildren that brought him such joy Dad really came into his own around his friends, forming strong relationships – Dad really valued loyalty and looking around the room today is testament to the fact that he was also valued highly and respected as a friend and family member. As children we remember his legendary games of dominos played well into the night with reggae in the background and the chinks of glasses and laughter – Dad was always a great host and always welcomed family and friends into his home. We can't not mention dads cooking, he made the best fried dumplings around and Saturday soup was the cure for all ills To us he was and always will be Dad and Grandad, solid and dependable, a constant fixture in our lives. He was a proud, hardworking man who stood by his beliefs passionately and it has been an honour to have had him in our lives. He would not want us to grieve every minute of the day, he would want us to get on with our lives and make him proud and we will endeavor to do this every day of our lives.


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